
Up Against Kk Plant
2010/09/17 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Debates over the KuoKuang Petrochemical's construction project heats up as over 300 creative professionals recently weighed in to voice their opposition. Many dignitaries of the art world have shown their determination to preserve Taiwan's marine resources, with renowned novelist Lee Ahn claiming the project can only be started "over her dead body."

The dancers from the Tsai Rei Yueh dance company performed as their way of protesting against the Kuo Kuang Petrochemical plant project.

Musician Chen Ming Jang played the Chinese instrument of Yueh Ching and sang a song called the Sun of Chu shui creek hid and cried as a way to criticize how the petrochemical plant would ruin the river and took away lives of future generations.

Over a hundred artists and those in the cultural circle gathered to sign petition against the building of the petrochemical plant that is planned at the mouth of the Chuo shui creek.

Author Lee Ahn, who is from Chang Hua, voiced her opinion that Taiwan is an island country that is without ocean and she would fight till death to save the last piece of the ocean front area.

Though the government spent money on ads to tell the public the importance of having a petrochemical plant, there are still voices of opposition from the public, scholars, medical experts and those from religious groups and artists as they all believe that economic development is not the only concern of the society,

it is more important to value the nature for an everlasting environment for future generations.

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關鍵字debate Kuokuang Petrochemical construction project marine resources Chinese instrument Yueh Ching economic Development
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