
Hau's Prevention Effort
2010/09/20 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Taipei mayor Hau Lung-bin stayed overnight at the Taipei International Flora Expo site on Saturday to make sure that it's relatively safe from the typhoon. Early next morning, Hau inspected the expo site and paid a visit to the old cluster in the alley no. 436 on the Wolong street. Hau said if the accumulated rainfall would exceed 400 millimeters in Taipei City, he will order an emergency evacuation of the village.

Huge rain continues and the stairs on the mountain slope become a mini waterfall.

There are 100 residents of 40 families living in the old cluster located in the alley 436 of the Wolong street in Daan District of Taipei City.

Most houses were built along the mountain's slope.

Fearing that the typhoon may cause damages, Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin paid a personal visit there early in the morning.

Hau says if the accumulated rainfall exceeds 400 millimeters, he will order an emergency evacuation of the village and the residents will be accommodated in the Da-an Junior High school in the same vincinity.

The night before, Hau slept over in the Taipei International Flora Expo site to supervise the typhoon prevention efforts, a move that drew criticisim from observers who blamed the mayor's failure to station at the emergency operation center.

In his defense, Hau stressed the international event is experiencing its first typhoon so he wanted to personally supervise the prevention efforts and will station in the emergency operation center tonight.

While the mayor is busy inspecting sites in Taipei City, he also instructs borough chiefs to monitor disaster risks and prepare for immediate evacuation anytime.

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關鍵字Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin Prevention effort Da-An JUNIOR HIGH school Taipei International Flora Expo
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