
New Guardians for Animals
2010/09/20 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



With incidents of animal abuse keep occurring, Taipei City is planning to set up Taiwan's first "animal guardian squad" in the police department, taking a major step toward animal rights protection.

This dog suffered a great deal of abuse at the hands of its owner. Now blind, it appears to have lost the will to live.

This black cat, meanwhile, had a crossbow shot through its head and shrinks away from human contact.

More than 400 cases of animal abuse were reported in Taipei City in the first six months of the year, but animal protection groups have no legal power to rescue abused animals.

The Life Caring and Animal Rescue Organization is considered the most active civic animal protection group in Taiwan, but its hands are tied when it comes to legal action.

Due to the absence of relevant laws, the Taipei City Police Department recently formed Asia's first animal protection police squad to process animal abuse cases.

The members of the team will undergo professional training, and the squadron will begin operating at the end of next month.

According to animal protection groups, this is an important first step in protecting the welfare of animals.

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關鍵字NEW Guardians Animals Taiwan's first animal guardian squad animal Protection groups
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