
New Rules New Priorities
2010/09/14 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The Department of Health is set to announce new principles, which will allocate organ transplant priorities based on the patient's health condition.

Those in a more critical stage will have the advantage to receive the transplant surgery, despite the fact that they are not from organ procurement hospitals.

Here on CTS, we have more details.

It's a painstaking experience to be on the waiting list for a heart transplant. But according to the current rules, patients in organ procurement hospitals are eligible for the organ donation. All others will have to wait, no matter how critical one's conditions are.

The current rules give first priority to patients in organ procurement hospitals, followed by those living on respiratory support and patients on epinephrine shots.

Then come patients of the second tier that need a heart transplant in a year.

Responding to the revision call from the medical profession, the Department of Health decides to amend the laws, which will give top priority to patients that are on respiratory support.

While cardiologists approve the new system, they believe patients that need epinephrine shots should be given the second top priority.

So far, there have been too many organ procurement hospitals, which results in a lack of coordination and time waste. The

Department of Health says it will make public the lists of available organs in these hospitals so the chances won't be wasted.

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關鍵字department of health NEW Rules NEW Priorities heart transplant
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