
Avoid Overeating Meats
2010/09/23 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



You probably have tons of leftovers from the barbecue in celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival, and if you're thinking of indulging yourself with consecutive meat meals, please don't.

Doctors are suggesting people to avoid consuming excessive amount of high-calorie foods to prevent digestive problems, and are reminding the public to maintain a balanced diet.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the three major festivals in traditional Chinese culture, with many families gathering together and eating moon cakes, pomelos and barbecuing while looking at the full moon. Sausage, pork, seafood and other ingredients, grill on charcoal immediately creates a good appetite.

However, these foods may lead many people to ignore their daily intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. Doctors advise people not to eat too much meat because it is not easily digested.

Every year after the Mid-Autumn Festival, there is an increase of between 10-20% in gastro-esophageal reflux disease patients.

This is due to grilled food, along with high-fat, high-calorie foods that can be an invisible killer.

Doctors suggest people eat low-fat pork loin or seafood and vegetables, and help wash down the barbecue sauce and sugar-free green tea to avoid too many calories and allow one to eat more healthy.

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關鍵字Avoid Overeating Meats Mid-autumn Festival Chinese culture high-fat
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