
Danger of Hair Products
2010/09/24 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



If you love making heads turn with your hairdos, and if you put on a great amount of hair products, then be sure that you know the potential risks involved. In one case, an individual suffered from severe hair loss after applying straightening cream. Doctors warn that certain chemicals found in hair products can be harmful to the scalp if it's left on for too long, leaving permanent damages.

One week after the 24-year-old woman applied hair straightening cream by herself, she has lost two thirds of hair.

You can't see any follicles at where the hair lost.

According to doctors, such cream contains strong alkaline and acid components.

So this lady may have lost her hair permanently.

But the hair straightening cream has been sold in many years.

It's the first time that a hair-loss case is reported.

Doctors believe that the lady might not have used it properly.

The instruction says that the cream should be left on hair at least one centimeter away from scalp.

The first cream should not be left on the hair for more than an hour.

And the second cream, no more than 10 minutes.

She might have let the cream touch her scalp directly and leave it too long on her hair.

So if you too are using such cream, be sure to follow the instruction properly or it might be a traumatic experience.

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關鍵字involved CREAM straightening hair Risks potential heads Making LOVE products hair danger
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