
Hill Communities at Risk
2010/09/24 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北縣報導



According to Ministry of the Interior, 480 communities located in mountainous areas are facing potential threats of landslides. To reduce the risks, residents in a community located on the hill in Ankung have hired a professional assessment team to monitor the land. Here on CTS, let's see how they build up a disaster-resilient system on their own.

A community of more than 2,000 residents can be found on a mountain slope in Taipei County's Ankeng.

The residents say that they can't leave their safety in the hands of others, and that under

Since 1998, the residents have paid a construction consulting company to conduct annual safety reviews, including underground water and stratum inspections, for their community.

They have also formed patrol teams to periodically inspect the community and outlying areas.

The Taiwan Architecture and Building Center uses wireless frequency systems to monitor the area, and patrol teams use sensors at various monitoring points to determine which areas require inspection.

All of the data received is transmitted to the TABC for analysis.

This community's experience can serve as a point of reference for other mountain communities, and shows that cooperation between communities and professional technicians can help prevent tragedy.

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關鍵字Hill communities at risk mountainous Areas Taipei County's Ankeng safety The TAIWAN Architecture building Center uses wireless frequency systems professional technicians TABC analysis
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