
Geological Laws Reexamined
2010/09/24 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



The landslide tragedy occurred in April this year, killing 4 people, on Highway number 3, near Keelung. After investigation, experts are saying that the hill is a dip slope, which poses great threat when earthquakes and typhoons occur. The government is now reexamining its geological laws, to bring awareness to the public regarding dangerous areas.

Excavators were digging out crushed cars, which were crumbled like wastepaper after the hillside landslide onto Highway number 3 south bound at the 3.2 kilometer mark, near the Keelung Chidu section.

200 meters of the highway section was covered in dirt of 40 meters in height.

The accident killed four people and blocked all 6 lanes of the highway. The accident reminded people of the hillside residence safety.

When Typhoon Winnie hit Taiwan on August 18th in 1997, severe landslide occurred on mountainside, while the Shizhi "Lincoln Condos" collapsed onto each other because the foundation gave away, the accident killed 28 people.

In fact, there are 340 residences like that on dip slope that are being closely monitored in greater Taipei area, for they are like time bombs waiting to go off at anytime. In 2004, the geological laws were supposed to pass after 3rd readings, but were petitioned to be dropped by legislators.

Besides hillsides, the 921 earthquake that took place 11 years ago, saw the damages from the Che Long Pu fault.

According to the Central Geological center, there are 19 such faults in Taiwan.

Only the geological laws can publish dip slopes, earthquake fault and zoning of geologically sensitive zones that can prevent more people from being killed.

The regulation surfaced again after this accident on the Highway number 3, passing the initial reading so far though many are not sure about its fate this time around.

Faced with typhoons every year and earthquakes threat, people in Taiwan can only pray to God that they would be safe during natural disasters.

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關鍵字Geological Laws Reexamined earthquakes typhoons occur reexamining public regarding Dangerous Areas
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