
Twn Orange Shows Face
2010/09/25 06:45 綜合報導     地區:雲林縣報導



A National Taiwan University student recently teamed up with his classmates to promote Taiwanese oranges through Facebook, trying to solve the problems that has been troubling farmers for years.

Mr. Kao of 70 year-old has been an orange farmer in Yunglins KuKung for more than 10 years and has been faced with the problem of over production of oranges in the past few years and couldnt sell the fruits to make a profit, which hit his family hard economically.

The farmers said that, though the government had regulations set to buy the excess oranges, but the help had been limited.

Kao had planted coffee trees in parts of his orchard for better economic values, but that is not the case for all other farmers as many are not willing to plant other crops.

After learning the situation, a National Taiwan University student surnamed Liao, who grew up in Yunglin, made a documentary film for Facebook to help the fruit farmers promote oranges from this harvest season.

Liao is a medical student at NTU, who said that the documentary film allowed him to feel the pain those farmers had to go through while understand the reason why the younger generation would not stay in Yungling.

The film is in the editing stage and would be up before orange harvest season as Liao hopes more people can help those farmers out by buying more oranges this year.

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關鍵字national TAIWAN University student classmate Taiwanese oranges Facebook farmer Yunglins KuKung COFFEE
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