
Su Leads in Media Poll
2010/09/18 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



As election day approaches, it's getting harder and harder to predict who the next mayor of Taipei will be. In the latest poll conducted by a national newspaper, the DPP challenger Su Tseng-chang holds a 2% lead over the KMT incumbent Hau Lung-bin, but the slight difference is still within the poll's margin of error.

Taipei City's Wanhua District has traditionally been a pan-green stronghold, and the DPP's Su Tseng-chang campaigned at Longshan Temple on Friday.

Su has been doing everything he can to get closer to younger voters, and a recent media outlet poll gave Su a 2% lead over his opponent, the KMT's Hau Lung-pin.

In particular, Su had a higher approval rating among younger voters and voters without political affiliations.

Hau acknowledges that the Xinsheng Overpass and Flora Expo controversies have hurt his campaign, but says that he hopes a successful Flora Expo will help change voter sentiment.

As the poll's margin of error is 3% and 71 days remain until the election, there is no clear-cut frontrunner at this point in time.

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關鍵字voter Lung-bin Hau Incumbent KMT Tseng-chang Su challenger DPP newspaper national poll predict DAY election
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