
Special Musical Talent
2010/09/26 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



For most people, playing the trumpet is challenging enough, but the owner of a musical instrument store in Pingtung has developed the extraordinary skill to play two trumpets at the same time. And he doesn't even need a partner to perform duets.

With one mouth he is able to blow two small trumpets at the same time, performing the national anthem.

This amazing skill impresses many.

And, as we listen carefully, Mr. Lee is actually playing different tones on both trumpets. On the right he is performing the main tune, and on the left he is performing the chorus. These two sounds provide a generous sound for the national anthem. In addition to the national anthem, he can also handle light concerto works.

He has studied music for three decades as this music instrument store owner, Lee Hsian-Neng said that it took him 1 year to learn how to blow two trumpets at the same time. He said it is difficult as one needs strength just to blow one trumpet, and 2 requires lots more lung capacity. He said he undertook self study.

And now that he can perform it, he has attracted eager audiences as his greatest wish is to perform at next year's National Day celebrating 100 years of the ROC. He believes that he must be perfect for such a performance.

Unfortunately, the Presidential Office said that they do not accept individual applications for such a performance.

He said that he would work harder as he has mastered six musical instruments as he doesn't know what type of tricks he will come up with later to impress local audiences.

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關鍵字special Musical Talent LEE Hsian-Neng trumpet extraordinary skill national DAY Celebrating 100 Years of The ROC
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