
Sending Love Via Mail
2010/09/15 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台東縣報導



In fulfilling a dream of an 86-year old woman living alone in Taitung, the Huashan Social Welfare Foundation has sent a special messenger, a little girl dressed as an angel, to deliver a meaningful letter written by her sick daughter in Taipei. Here on CTS, let's take a look at this emotional coverage.

86-year old Mrs. Chen's eldest daughter and only son both passed away in the past 12 months, and her sole surviving child is living in Taipei while undergoing treatment for cancer.

As they have their own families, her grandchildren rarely visit. Mrs. Chen lives by herself, and says that she misses her children and grandchildren so much that she often feels as though her heart is breaking.

On the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Huashan Social Welfare Foundation arranged for a Taitung mail carrier and a preschool child dressed as an angel to deliver a letter to Mrs. Chen.

Mrs. Chen was extremely emotional during the visit.

The letter, which was from her 61-year old daughter, asked Mrs. Chen to take care of herself.

Around 10% of Taitung County's population, or 23,000 people, is made of senior citizens, and an estimated 3,000 of them live alone.

Like Mrs. Chen, they all hope that society can show them concern and provide them with companionship.

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關鍵字concern provide Sending LOVE Via Mail Taitung Mid-autumn Festival social welfare Foundation special messenger Daughter
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