
Trans Fat in Popular Dessert?
2010/09/30 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



With the increase of health awareness among individuals, many people are starting to pay attention to the amount of trans fat, or unsaturated fat in foods. Through a random inspection, one fourth of the products selected fail to accurately list out the trans fat content.

Now, the Taipei City Health Bureau is asking the companies to provide an explanation and to fix the current situation.

Many have a sweet tooth for these delicious cakes but excessive consumption of desserts that contain trans fat may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Recently, the Taipei City Health Bureau came across a shocking discovery.

Out of the 26 food items on the shelves, six of them, which is about 23 percent, do not have dependable labeling on its packages.

According to the regulation, if trans fat content exceeds 0.3 grams per 100 grams, then it needs to be written out on its nutrition facts label.

Several products made by famous companies are victims of this evaluation, and the government is now requesting the six manufacturers to reveal how the foods are made, to see if it contains partially hydrogenated oils or naturally occurring oils.

Those that violate the rules will face a fine from 30,000 NTD to 150,000 NTD, with a possibility of being banned from running the business, to losing its licenses if the same mistake is repeated within 12 months.

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關鍵字Trans fat IN Popular dessert health The Taipei City health Bureau shocking DISCOVERY
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