
Severe Flooding in Kaohsiung County
2010/09/22 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄縣報導



And Kaohsiung County is one of the worst-hit areas, especially in Gangshan, Chaotou and Zihguan townships. Some residents are blaming the Agondian Reservoir for contributing to the excessive flooding. We got more details for you on CTS.

Although the rain has stopped, Kaohsiung County's Gangshan Township, Chiahsing community is completely underwater.

People have to rely on boats to go out as they see all of their hard work under water.

Those living around the Chiashing gas station say that during Typhoon Morakot they did not experience serious flooding like this

as they say that the upstream Agongdian Reservoir spillway led to flooding and these heavy losses leading these people to apply for compensation.

However, some say that they still have enough water and food so they can stay at home, as they hope to wait for the water to retreat.

Chiahsing continues to have roads that are flooded to knee-depth turning the area into a sort of island.

More than 100 households have been affected as some have been hungry for a whole day as NGOs have been quick to send lunch boxes to the area.

Additionally Chaotou and Zhihguan have seen the flood peak at chest height,

though now it is close to 30 cm in the houses and may approach knee depth as many have moved furniture up to escape the flood damage.

Now that the water has receded, many families have been working to clean their homes.

In the afternoon,

the weather turned for the better as the rain stopped and in Kaohsiung County the majority of water receded in these regions.

The Kaohsiung County Disaster Response Center said the flooding was still affecting many areas and aside from Gangshan Township's Chiashing

there was also flooding in Zhiguan Township with low-lying coastal areas needing time to make a full recovery.

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關鍵字severe flooding IN Kaohsiung county worst-hit Areas Chaotou Zhihguan Township low-lying coastal Areas
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