
Frustrating Travelers
2010/10/01 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Many airlines have been lowering ticket prices, but the Consumers' Foundation is still calling it too expensive.

It is now demanding the government to step in to negotiate a better deal for passengers flying between Taiwan and the mainland.

It's been one year since direct flights across Taiwan and China were launched.

But the ticket prices are still too high, which frustrate travelers. According to a study by Consumers Foundation, the prices for tickets that have stopover, which should be cheaper than direct service are still quite expensive.

Consumers Foundation compared the average prices for round trip tickets from Taipei to Shanghai are down from NTD 12,870 to NTD 11,565, dropping NTD 1,300.

But the prices for tickets that have a transfer stop in Hong Kong are up from 10,172 to 12,495 NTD, which many passengers find unreasonable.

Although the prices for direct flight service from Taipei to Shanghai operated by China Airlines are lowered by 24% compared to last year, EVA Air only lowers by 2.5%.

Transasia Airway's prices for the same service are 10% higher than last year.

Although the ticket prices are expensive, Taiwanese businessmen have no other choices.

The Civil Aeronautic Administration says it cannot too much to intervene ticket prices as it respects the market mechanism.

Therefore, it's quite impossible that the prices are decreased to below NTD 10,000.

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關鍵字Frustrating travelers The Consumers' Foundation Flying expensive ticket prices
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