
Special Ed School at Last
2010/10/06 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台東縣報導



Fighting for more than 10 years, the parents of the disabled children have finally won the battle.

The first special education school in Taitung County has been established for those in need. Built within the National Taitung University, the program will benefit more than 1,000 disabled individuals.

Taitung County's first special education school, the island's first university-affiliated special education school, was recently founded on the campus of National Taitung University.

Prior to the establishment of the school, Taitung County's 1,000 special education students had been attending classes at various elementary and junior high schools, and children with severe disabilities often had to leave the county for their education.

Over the past three years, parents and the county government were unable to reach a consensus on a special education school, and many therefore see the school as a major achievement.

The university's special education department serves as a support base for the school, which is expected to start recruiting one class of 30 junior high school students and one class of 30 vocational high school students next year.

However, relevant urban planning proposals have yet to be finalized and the construction of a barrier-free dormitory will take three years to complete.

Nevertheless, everyone is extremely optimistic that the school will improve the lives of families with special needs children.

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關鍵字special education school at Last national Taitung University major achievement
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