
Fish Vets in Taiwan
2010/10/07 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



One of the main problems with the new measure is that fish vets are hard to find in Taiwan, numbering less than 1,000 nationwide. And they usually charge much more for their services than regular doctors do.

The owner of this sick bloody parrot has brought it to a fish veterinarian to help it get better.

As soon as the vet touches the fish's gill, it begins twisting and turning.

The vet therefore has to anesthetize the fish to examine it.

According to the vet, the fish is in relatively stable health, but it may be suffering from white spot syndrome or other type of bacterial infection.

The owner of the fish is charged 600 NT for the consultation, which is expensive compared to human patients.

This arowana is suffering from multiple flesh wounds from fish hooks.

The vet removes the scales around the wounds and applies antibiotic powder to the infected areas.

For this procedure, the fish owner is charged 2,000 NT.

The 200,000 NT arowana is 30 centimeters long, and the vet has to make a house call to treat it due to its size.

It remains to be seen whether all fish owners are willing to pay so much to have their sick fish treated.

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關鍵字fish Vets TAIWAN Doctors sick bloody fish veterinarian
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