
Green Ray Novel Play
2010/10/10 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Renowned theatrical troupe Green Ray has been planning to produce a series of new plays based on the works of Taiwanese novelists, starting this month with an adaptation of two stories by the award-winning author, Cheng Ching-wen.

The setting and the dialogue seem to be taken from real life as the story of an extramarital affair unfolds on the stage.

Green Ray Theatre's "Tomb Sweeping Festival" is an adaptation of two novels by National Literary Award winner Cheng Ching-wen, and director Wu Nien-jen describes it as a humanistic tale.

Cheng, who published the novels four decades ago, says that although extramarital affairs are a common theme in fiction, the adaptation will breathe new life into her work.

According to Wu, he chose Cheng's novels as the troupe's first production because Cheng has always been one of his idols.

The elegant dialogue and heartbreaking story of a love triangle will take audiences on a journey through time to a much more conservative era.

Green Ray plans on adapting twelve well-known pieces of Taiwanese literature into stage productions in the next decade.

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關鍵字green Ray novel Play Taiwanese novelists Cheng Ching-wen Tomb Sweeping Festival STAGE productions
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