
Good Quality for Good Price
2010/10/11 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



For a taste of top-quality Italian coffee, you dont have to dig deep into your pocket. Thanks to the insistence of a meticulous and generous cafe owner in Taipei, customers can now enjoy such a treat at the cost of less than NT100.

Diners are met with the warm, welcoming aroma of coffee upon entering this cafe.

In the coffee roaster, coffee beans spin and tumble as their shells darken to a beautiful deep brown.

The proprietor of the cafe has loved coffee since he was a child, and has done a great deal of research on different preparation techniques and methods.

Each cup of coffee is served with a different and intricate foam design, including a phoenix in flight.

The cafe is also renowned for its sandwiches, with one of the most popular selections being a peanut butter, onion, and ham sandwich that is sweet and savory at the same time.

Whereas a meal like this might cost upwards of 800 NT at other diners, this cafe charges just 85 NT for the set. It is no wonder that the cafe is almost always filled to capacity.

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關鍵字COFFEE Italian PRICE GOOD quality GOOD
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