
Cookie Magic
2010/10/16 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Conventional wisdom has been turned on its head recently in an award-winning magic trick by a Taiwanese college student, who slyly proves that while you can't have your cake and eat it too, with cookies--there's no problem at all.

This oreo cookie may appear ordinary, but nothing is what it seems in a magician's hands.

If changing the color of a cookie isn't impressive enough, how about restoring it to its original shape after taking a bite on it.

It's hard to believe that such a cool trick actually comes from an amateur who is still studying in college.

Mr. Shih, a junior in National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, has less than three years' experience in magic, but at the recent International Magic Festival in Busan, South Korea, Shih distinguished himself among magicians from around the world and walked away with a special prize.

When asked about his career plans, the 21-year-old already has a role model in mind, saying that he hopes he can surpass Master Lu Chen one day.

And that is a goal that will take more than a sleight of hand to accomplish.

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關鍵字COOKIE magic conventional wisdom oreo surpass master Lu CHEN
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