
Liu Shao Lu's Brain Tumor
2010/10/16 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



A major triumph for an artist who never gives up.

Acclaimed Taiwanese choreographer, Liu Shao-lu, was diagnosed with malicious brain tumor last year, which temporarily deprived him of his memory. But now, six months after surgery, he is back on the stage with a brand new performance.

The brand new dance number is

Liu is the founder of Taipei Dance Circle and winner of the second National Arts and Cultural Foundation award in the Dance category, a person who often received international recognition.

However, at the peak of his career, Liu was diagnosed with brain tumor at the end of last year and was rushed to the hospital for removal surgery.

After six months of recovery, Liu is ready for the stage with a new perspective on life with his wife Yang Wan Ron, who is also the dance companys head.

Yang stood by Liu throughout the recovering process.

Liu's recovery also encouraged many patients with brain tumor.

The brand new Liu can live the life he did and go back to do what he loves the best, choreograph what he feels inside through dance movements.

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關鍵字Liu Shao Lu's BRAIN tumor Liu Shao-lu Taipei Dance Circle national arts and Cultural Foundation
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