
Wash Your Produce Clean
2010/10/17 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



We are often reminded to consume vegetables and fruits everyday. But now, a new research shows that there is a negative side to it. The National Yang Ming University has found that organic phosphate pesticides can damage the cranial nerves in the brain of those that are still in puberty, increasing one's chance of becoming hyper-active. Here on CTS, we explain how to cut down the possibilities of taking in these harmful chemicals.

National Yang Ming University researchers recently conducted a study on 195 elementary and preschool children in the Taipei area, and found traces of organic phosphate pesticides in the urine samples of 98% of the children.

The researchers were also able to draw a direct link between pesticide residue and cranial nerve damage.

According to the team, even trace amounts of organic phosphate pesticides can detrimentally affect the development of the nervous system in young children.

Experts say that the proper procedure for washing produce is in flowing water for 15 minutes, still water for 10 minutes, and finally using a soft brush to clean the surfaces of fruits and vegetables.

Drinking large quantities of water can also help flush toxins out of the body.

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關鍵字Wash your Produce clean vegetables fruits The national Yang Ming University hyper-active
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