
Lanyang Museum Ready to Impress
2010/10/18 06:45 綜合報導     地區:宜蘭縣報導



After revising previous problems during the trial run, Yilan's Lanyang Museum was inaugurated on Sunday. With an award-winning construction and plenty of collection showcasing the lives of early Yilan residents, the museum is ready to impress its visitors.

Yilan's Lanyang Museum officially opened on Saturday after a three-month soft opening period.

Located at what used to be Yilan County's Wushi Fishing Harbor, the slanted, asymmetrical structure was designed by architect Kris Yao to resemble the cuesta on Taiwan's northeast coast.

The museum's largest exhibit is a fishing boat, "South Wind No. 1," that was donated by its previous owner.

The Lanyang Plain's unique ecosystem and cultural landscape are reflected in the museum's exhibits, and the 360-degree marine theater, which has been compared to an interactive aquarium, has proven to be extremely popular with visitors.

Problems that arose during the soft opening period, including issues relating to the logistics flow and transparent escalator, have been resolved.

Museum planning began in 2004, and construction was interrupted when the contractor went bankrupt during the financial crisis.

Many obstacles had to be overcome during the process, but the museum has finally opened and is already one of Yilan's most important landmarks.

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關鍵字Lanyang Museum Ready TO Impress Yilan's Lanyang Museum inaugurated Wushi Fishing Harbor
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