
Voice Regained
2010/10/22 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台中市報導



A throat cancer patient in Taichung has recently regained his voice after the doctors used part of his intestines to rebuild his gullet and vocal tract. And what is the first thing that he wants to do when he is fully recovered? Sing at the Karaoke.

This is an extraordinary birthday for Mr. Lai, especially when he can finally sing a birthday song to celebrate the day.

Six years ago, Mr. Lai had his gullet and vocal tract removed in a surgery to treat his throat cancer. He had recovered from the cancer but had lost his voice and ability to swallow as well.

Since then, he had to communicate with others through sign language.

Moreover, Mr. Lai had lost 20 kilograms since he could only ingest liquid foods through a feeding tube installed on his throat while liquid and his saliva sometimes overflows from the hole on his throat.

To help Mr. Lai regain a quality life, doctors used 15 cm of his large intestine to rebuild his gullet.

Also, 7 cm of ileum was used to rebuild Mr. Lai's vocal tract because the vibration of air flow in the ileum is similar to that in the vocal tract.

The surgery has greatly improved Mr. Lai's life. The hole on his throat has been sealed and most importantly, he can finally talk, with a new voice that sounds a little bit like a robot's voice though.

Mr. Lai says the first thing he will do after he gets a new voice is to sing at the karaoke.

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關鍵字Voice Regained throat Cancer patient Sing
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