
Sodium Level Too High
2010/10/22 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



A recent test shows that the sodium level is too high in most instant noodles and snacks, surpassing the recommended amount. Now, the Consumers' Foundation is urging the government to set a regulation, by lowering at least 30 percent of it.

Savory snacks and instant noodles smell tasty.

But they might have been too flavorful for our body.

According to the Consumers' Foundation, snacks and instant noodles sold on the market have been found to have high sodium content.

Department of Health suggests that the overall consumption of sodium for an adult should not exceed 2,400 milligrams.

But the frozen ramen contains 2,500 milligrams of sodium, which exceeds the recommended daily intake.

If consuming snacks and regular meals, one would definitely have excessive sodium contents.

Over the long term, this would be detrimental for our health.

Consumers' Foundation suggests the government to amend the laws by asking food manufacturers to reduce sodium contents by 30% and specify it on the food label.

So far, the Food Sanitation Management regulates that nutrition details be specified in packaging.

But before the law is amended, consumers are advised to watch the label and protect one's own health.

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關鍵字sodium level Too HIGH The Consumers' Foundation health instant noodles
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