
Produce Price Hike
2010/10/24 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



After heavy rains once again wreaked havoc in Taiwan, many worry that prices of agricultural products may rise again. But as damages to the southern parts of the island are relatively minor this time, the overall vegetable prices will remain stable.

On Saturday morning, housewives took advantage of the good weather and hurried to the markets.

Produce prices generally rise after typhoons, but Typhoon Megi fortunately left southern Taiwan's farms relatively unscathed.

According to Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Corporation, 1,330 tons of produce were transported to Taipei on Saturday, which was around 20% higher than the day before.

The average produce unit price, meanwhile, was 29.2 NT, or ten cents higher than the previous day.

The prices of some leafy vegetables rose while others fell, with the price of water spinach rising 1 NT and the price of cauliflower falling 1 NT.

As of 3 p.m. on Friday, national fisheries losses were estimated at 45.86 million NT, with Yilan alone suffering losses of 29 million NT.

As Yilan's scallion crops were also damaged by torrential rains, the price of Sanhsing scallion was up 3 NT on Saturday.

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關鍵字Produce PRICE HIKE heavy rains prices of agricultural typhoon Megi Taipei agricultural products marketing Corporation
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