
A Dangerous Path
2010/10/25 06:45 綜合報導     地區:宜蘭縣報導



Typhoon Megi has caused great wreckage by the Suhwa Highway. As rescuers are toiling to find the missing travelers, many people are questioning why the government did not close down the Suhwa Highway earlier in minimizing the damage. Scholars today point out that based on its geography, the Suhwa Highway is the most dangerous road in Taiwan, where landslides occur easily whenever there is heavy rainfall or an earthquake.

Typhoon Megi's heavy rain brought destruction to Suhwa Freeway with landslides in various places.

From last year's Typhoon Morokot to this year's Typhoon Fanabi and Megi, scholars say that it is evident that extreme weather patterns are now becoming the norm.

Megi didn't even land, but it caused heavy destruction, which showed Taiwan's inability to withstand any type of destruction.

Suhwa Freeway is a delicate road way, but how come it wasn't closed off at the time?

Scholars believe the government's various entities, including the Weather Bureau, Water Resources Agency, and the Soil and Water Conservation Bureau didn't combine their information together.

Due to the long distance of Suwha Freeway winding along a coastal cliff, it is one of Taiwan's most dangerous road ways. Traffic shouldn't be allowed whenever there is rain or earthquakes.

Scholars say Suhwa Freeway lies on the northern most section of the Central Mountain Range, is higher up in altitude, and the mountain is over 60 degrees steep in some places.

The dirt in the area is filled with minerals, which can easily slide with strong winds.

Fixing the freeway usually is done with putting up cement retaining walls. But because the mountain is unstable, landslides easily take place when there is heavy rain.

Although cement retaining wall can only temporarily fix the problem, scholars suggest opening a road through the mountain.

But this would not only require a cost-benefit analysis, but also environmental impact studies. It's a hard choice between choosing easy access or protecting the environment.

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關鍵字A Dangerous path typhoon Megi Suhwa Highway heavy rainfall earthquake
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