
A Costly Lifestyle
2010/10/19 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



A dog enthusiast in Kaohsiung cherishes her award-winning pets like no other. Let's take a look the lifestyle of these German Shepherds that are envied by many.

The black family van you see here is worth more than 400 million NTD, and it is used to transport dogs only. German Shepherd, exactly. To make it more clear, this van is their transportation!

These Shepherd dogs not only own an exclusive family van, but also live in an expensive and luxurious house with a big garden. The first three floors are their empire, where they are free to do whatever they like on the real wooden floor. In order to offer them a comfortable temperature, air-conditioners and fans are even turned on 24/7.

Besides the good van and beautiful house, their daily meal should be the most important part. For this particular task, their owner has even hired a specialist to prepare the very nutritious and delicious dog food, which is combined with many different vitamins and dietary supplements, such as chicken and Gingko essence.

No wonder that all German Shepherds you see here are award-winning champions. Each one of them is worth around 2 million NTD.

This one, Doug is his name, has even a price of 6 million NTD and is the most expensive German Shepherd in southern Taiwan!

Their owner, who loves them so much, prefers spending uncountable money in building house with garden, an exclusive gymnasium only for them and hiring two specialists for 35 thousand NTD each, just to take care of them!

Believe it or not, some dogs have better lives than us!

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關鍵字A Costly Lifestyle cherishes award-winning PET German Shepherds Gingko essence
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