
Blame It on the Rain?
2010/10/26 06:45 綜合報導     地區:宜蘭縣報導



In a post-disaster furor over the Suhua accident, the Directorate General of Highway came under intense criticism for not having shut down the route in time. But the agency has defended itself by emphasizing that proper procedures were strictly observed.

The area where the Mainland Chinese tourists have gone missing has been closed down for investigation for several days by now.

The Taipei Association of Travel Agents had contacted the relatives of these Chinese tourists, who are expected to arrive from China by tonight.

The association has also criticized the inefficiency of the officials of not shutting the highway down during heavy rainfall, hence the happening of this tragedy.

However, according to the Directorate General of Highways, when the Chinese tourists set out for their trip at 9am, the rainfall did not exceed the limit of 50mm per hour, therefore the highway was not shut down.

Then around 11am, the rain intensified and was too late to shut down the highway by then, and since there was no automatic detecting mechanism along the highway, the patrol was relied on man-power.

Therefore, in order to prevent such tragedy from happening again, the Directorate General of Highways will be getting more information and help to set up a better warning system around mountainous areas.

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關鍵字Blame IT on The RAIN The Directorate general of Highway The Mainland Chinese tourists The Taipei Association of travel Agents
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