
Scary Monsoon Winds
2010/10/28 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台中市報導



As we enter the fall season, we are greeted by the powerful northeastern monsoon winds. A wind level of 11 has been reported at the coastal area, around the Tachia Wuci in Taichung. By the Tachia Riverbed, residents are also experiencing a condition similar to a dust storm, with many saying that their doorways are coated with dust and sands in just one hour of time.

The Tachia river embankment had a gust of wind uprooting weeds and sediment as those walking by the embankment had to squat to move forward, paying attention not to fall.

These houses by the river bank saw 5 cm of sediment accumulate in less than an hour, leading many to keep cleaning.

Next to this tea table, sand and sediment had covered all of these cups and good fruit. Although the doors and windows were closed, the sand blew into living rooms and covered the TV.

Everyone's fingers are all black as everyone seems helpless in light of these northeasterly monsoon winds. The Central Weather Bureau believes that these strong winds will unfortunately continue for two days.

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關鍵字Wuci Tachia area coastal WINDS monsoon scary IN Taichung Storm
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