
Final Month of Campaign
2010/10/28 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北縣報導



With just a month to go before the election, the Xin Bei mayor's race is still too close to call. And both candidates have announced plans to meet with voters across the entire city in the last 30 days to gain an edge over each other.

The countdown for the Xin Bei City election is soon approaching and the DPP's Tsai Ing-Wen this morning went to the Tamshui vegetable market to campaign, hoping to gain votes amongst the housewives and vendors who visit this market.

Her supporters also joined in and gave her encouragement.

According to the DPP's internal estimates, both sides are evenly balanced in this campaign and Tsai Ing-Wen is going out to secure the support of all voters.

Turning to Banciao, the KMT's Eric Chu was also out this morning visiting markets as part of his campaign.

Chu was clutching hands and greeting voters as he also had supporters with him asking for his autograph as his campaign enters the final month.

Chu also hopes to visit all the townships in Xin Bei City to help break the current stalemate.

It will be a final sprint between the KMT and DPP as both candidates are working very hard with the help from enthusiastic supporters.

They are entering the final phase of the campaign and trying to protect their base and also pull in more difficult votes.

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關鍵字final Month of CAMPAIGN XIN BEI City election DPP Tsai Ing-wen Tamshui XIN BEI mayor's race KMT ERIC Chu
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