
French Food at the Chef's Home
2010/10/29 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



You don't have to head to a restaurant to get authentic French cuisine anymore. Here on CTS, we are showing you another option. A chef in Taipei has opened up her own home as a private kitchen, offering original French home-cooking in a warm and delightful atmosphere.

Can you imagine that a popular French restaurant would hide in an apartment in a residential area?

This is Guo Man-hui's restaurant, who opens up her own residence as a private kitchen for french food lovers.

There's no fixed menu, since she hopes to offer customers different types of French food.

She would introduce the menu of the day to the customers and even show them the material she uses.

Graduated from a French culinary school and with 15 years of experience of teaching French culinary skills, she is good at creating various French food with materials purchased at local markets, and presenting the original flavor of food in a delicate French style.

Even though each meal costs 1,600 NT dollars per person, and she accepts reservations only, her restaurant is always full.

Next time if you wan to enjoy authentic French cuisine in a more relaxing atmosphere, come to Guo Man-hui's restaurant.

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關鍵字French food at The Chef's HOME French cuisine kitchen Guo Man-hui
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