
Tsai to Resign If Dpp Loses?
2010/10/29 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北縣報導



The political stakes just got higher over the upcoming elections when DPP Secretary General Wu Nai-jen remarked that Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen should step down if the party failed to win at least three of the five mayoral races next month. But Tsai herself declined to specify her plan in that scenario.

Every since the start of her Xin Bei mayoral campaign, DPP chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen has constantly been questioned about her commitment to the election, since many suspect that she is actually setting her sights on the 2012 presidential race.

But DPP Secretary General Wu Nai-jen rebuked such talk by pointing out that Tsai would have to step down as chairwoman if the party loses in more than half of the five municipalities; hence she cannot afford to be half-hearted.

Though Wus comment was apparently made in Tsais defense, the candidate herself felt reluctant to discuss her future options in clear cut terms."I'll take my share of responsibility for the result. And our goal is to win as many seats as possible."

As candidates in the two northern races are still locked in dead heat, neither of the major parties is truly confident of clinching the overall victory at this point. And for Tsai, its hard to tell whether playing the resignation card this time would be a wise choice.

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關鍵字Tsai TO Resign IF DPP Loses Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen DPP Secretary general Wu Nai-jen XIN BEI mayoral CAMPAIGN
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