
Concert at Ex-military Base
2010/10/31 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



The former Wei-Wu-Ying military base, located on the junction of Kaohsiung City and County, has been rendered into a park and arts center. In order to improve relationships between the center and the public, the Kaohsiung County government held a celebratory event featuring bands from 16 elementary, middle, and high schools across the island.

These band members' spirit and syncronized movements demonstrate the extensive training they went through.

Next in the parade is an all-girls band performing an impeccable rifle routine, demonstrating that anything boys can do, girls can do better.

But the most anticipated event of the festival was a performance by Ryan, a three-year-old who gained fame online from a video of the boy swinging a wooden rifle.

In order to invigorate the atmosphere of the former Wei-Wu-Ying military base, the Kaohsiung County government held a labor day festival and sent out mass invitations, inviting the bands of several schools to perform.

Spectators at the event cheered enthusiastically as they conjured up the atmosphere of the old days.

After the military base was opened to the public, the area was rendered into a park and arts center.

The dormitory was also changed into a center for tourists.

This festive labor day celebration not only drew in large crowds of people, it also re-instilled a cultural appreciation for the historic Wei-Wu-Ying center.

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關鍵字concert at Ex-military Base The Former Wei-Wu-Ying MILITARY Base Kaohsiung City and county Improve relationships
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