
Pavilion of Angel Life
2010/11/01 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Let's follow our camera to explore the "Pavilion of Angel Life" at the Flora Expo, which aims to demonstrate the beauty of the natural environment. With cutting-edge technology, visitors are offered with multiple ways of experiencing the world of nature.

Walking inside the wooden building and coming to the Pavilion of Angel Life in the Flora Expo Park, one will see flower sea and bamboo forest, which is shot to a large screen from the air.

The concept of the pavilion is to promote living aesthetics and green living, while the realization of digital technology becomes an expression of one's hopes for a beautiful, fulfilling future.

The pavilion's exhibition and performance areas are filled with delightful surprises.

The Wish Garden provides busy, on-the-run people with a peaceful, quiet haven to rest.

There is a giant theater where visitors can enjoy dynamic, high-resolution audiovisual content shot from the air, ground, and underwater, with the diverse beauty of Formosa on full display.

Even cats are doing the Expo's signature dance. It's adorable.

The pavilion offers a whole new virtual experience where one can purify their souls, and relax their minds.

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