
The Danger of Bubble Hair Dye
2010/11/03 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Beware of the toxic substances in everyday products, including the bubble hair dyes, which are hot on the market right now. Dermatologists are

reminding the public that PPD, a chemical substance commonly found in hair dye products, can cause skin allergy and liver or kidney problems. Consumers should also avoid directly applying it on the scalps, as well as shampooing and coloring their hair at the same time.

In the TV commercial, it seems that the models were enjoying shampoo.

Many viewers might believe that hair dye is as easy as shampoo as this product has dual uses.

But dermatologists warn that most hair dyes contain a chemical compound called PPD, which can cause skin rash or allergy if coming in direct contact with the scalp.

Foreign researches have shown that PPD could threaten lung, liver and kidney functions.

Therefore, those with wound on the scalp or pregnant women are advised not to use hair dyes.

Department of Health stressed that it has never approved any products featuring dual uses of shampoo and hair dye. Therefore, consumers should never use hair dye as shampoo.

Department of Health says that bubble hair dye is considered as a medicated cosmetic product, which is allowed to be sold on the market with a permit and cannot be claimed as shampoo.

Violators will be subject to a fine of 150,000 NTD or one-year jail sentence at maximum.

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關鍵字chemical PPD substances toxic dye hair Bubble of danger The
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