
Unscrupulous Divers
2010/11/05 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台東縣報導



Some people's idea of fun actually comes at the expense of the environment. A group of divers chose to celebrate their vacation in Green Island last month by leaving a toilet bowl at the bottom of the sea, and even made a funny film about the process. But the consequences are far from amusing. Now they're facing a fine of 6,000 NT dollars.

This group of divers thought it would be fun to sign this toilet and then sneak it one of Green Island's artificial steel reefs.

It would make one of these compartments in the steel reef look like a prison, as they even gave it the name "Big Brother Prison Rest Station."

One person even took off the oxygen mask to drink a little alcohol while posing with this item.

It was then edited and posted on the internet as a funny video.

This behavior attracted the outrage of many internet viewers.

Reaction has been so strong that the current video has been removed.

After many years of conservation in the area, the ocean ecology is finally coming back to life as this place has beven been given the nickname as Taiwan's Great Barrier Reef.

It has even attracted foreign tourists who love diving as they travel to the bottom of the ocean.

This attraction has even helped Green Island shake off the stigma of being a place for gangsters.

Still, one group thought that this artificial reef could be turned into a sort of prison cell by putting a toilet and a sign.

Unfortunately, these actions made Green Island residents very angry.

This toilet was left here on Double Ten Day, which was about a month ago.

It led the diving instructor to take severe criticism, even violating the the "Waste Disposal Act." Underwater tourism is just getting started, and for this to become sustainable, everyone needs to play by the rules and refrain from putting things that do not belong in the sea.

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關鍵字Unscrupulous Divers environment green island funny FILM
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