
Blindness Danger
2010/11/06 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Beware of laser lighting in nightclubs, because it may damage your eyes.

A young lady in Taipei suffers from vision impairment after visiting a nightclub the previous night. Doctors say that her condition was probably caused by the club's laser display device that has already been found to be a safety concern.

A lot of young people like to go to the nightclubs to enjoy the music and dance there, where laser lights are commonly used to create a dazzling atmosphere.

However, there could be hidden dangers in the laser light.

A young woman in Taipei suffered from visual impairment after spending a night in the nightclub.

The doctor's diagnosis showed that she had macular edema, which was likely caused by laser strobe lights in the club.

The doctor explained that when the eyes encountered ordinary light, the radiation from the light spread evenly over the eyeball.

Laser lights, however, were focused lights that entered the eyes directly to the macular, which would cause macular edema.

If the condition got worse, it could lead to vision loss.

Doctors suggested that club-goers should avoid looking directly at laser lights, and that wearing sunglasses could be a good way to protect the eyes.

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關鍵字club-goers atmosphere dazzling suffer Taipei nightclub danger Blindness
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