
Octopus-like Civil Servants?
2010/11/06 06:45 綜合報導     地區:南投縣報導



In an interesting survey by an administrative center in Nantou, Taiwan's public servants have been classified into five categories based on their personality traits, each represented by an animal. And it turns out that nearly half of the island's government employees fall into the category of octopus. And what does it mean? Here's our story.

Ms. Chen, a staff member of Taipei County Government Service Center says that every day, she has to handle citizens who approach her with different problems.

When the phone starts ringing off the hook, Ms. Chen feels she's like a multitasking octopus, having to solve several problems at one time.

The most important characteristic to have is patience, because being a civil servant means serving the public.

Sometimes these public workers have to deal with the negative emotions or bad attitudes of callers and have to remain calm and patient.

This is why some civil servants identify themselves as patient penguins.

However, few people identified themselves as courageous, daring tigers.

A Nantou district adminstrative center has conducted an evaluation on 110,000 civil servants and found that 44.5% of them belonged to the category of the octopus, whose characteristics are adaptability, distribution, and versatility.

The second highest ranking was the bee, whose workers value the quality of their work, process, and work distribution.

Third most categorized animal among the civil servants was the patient penguin, and fourth was the dolphin with traits of passion and generosity.

The least categorized animal was the tiger which ranked at only 7.6% and has leadership qualities and rises up to challenges.

From the results, it appears that most public servants lack initiative.

But the survey is just for reference as it's more important for the public servants to understand themselves.

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關鍵字Octopus-like Civil servants Administrative Center Taipei county government Service Center
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