
Selfless Love
2010/11/10 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台南市報導



With a limited time to live, a woman in Tainan is giving her remaining energy to the society by getting involved in charity works. Despite of her deadly disease, the mother of two continues to show dedication to make people smile.

In Tainan's Datung night market, thousands of people came to attend the fundraiser for St. Raphael's Opportunity Center.

It is not difficult to recognize this skinny lady, who greets people with a big smile on her face.

This 32-year-old mother, Lin Huan-tsen, was diagnosed with the late-stage nasopharyngeal cancer in March this year. Doctors told her she only had 3 months to live and they suggested her to be admitted to hospice care, in which she denied.

However, it has been more than three months and she is still fighting against the dreadful illness.

For the past 4 years, Lin and other mothers have hosted a charity sale every 2-3 months, and this year is no different.

"I hope by doing this, to be able to show them the way of love and hopefully, they will learn to be a good person. The way we look at lives and money is different. Not that we don't care, but because of the sickness, we cherish every moment we have..."

Unfortunately, on the second day of this charity bazaar, she was taken to the hospital for chemotherapy.

Although her disease is severe, she continues to battle on. Her elder daughter Enya is 5 years old, and her younger daughter is just two years old. If there is one thing she wants to teach her 2 daughters, it is about the meaning of love.

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關鍵字Selfless LOVE Datung night market Raphael's opportunity Center LIN Huan-tsen
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