
Protest Against Cheng
2010/11/11 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Political talk show host Cheng Hung-yi has ignited a media storm after launching an obscenity-laden tirade in public against President Ma Ying-jeou last weekend. In protest of the sexist nature of Cheng's remarks, a group of angry female parents staged a demonstration yesterday, demanding the cancellation of his show.

A dozen female protestors held banners and shouted out slogans asking the TV station to fire talk show host Cheng Hung-yi.

As they were about to break through the barricade to enter the TV station, they clashed with the police.

Fortunately, the protest ended quickly after the police and candidates talked them out of doing it.

Although Cheng did offer his apology, the ripples he caused still remain.

Mainland Affairs Council said that it had contacted Cheng for many times, asking him to not spread misinformation to provoke viewers.

Under public pressure, DPP chairperson Tsai Ing-wen admitted that the program to subsidize Chinese gradate students to write thesis has been ongoing since

the DPP was in power, but stressed that it was a different background.

Since she doesn't approve of Cheng's use of profanity, she draws a line between Cheng and the party.

As the effect of the controversy continues to grow, the KMT is going all out, demanding proper apology adn the DPP cuts its connection with the political pundit in the fear that this incident may have driven away swing votes.

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關鍵字Cheng against Protest President MA Ying-jeou obscenity-laden Cheng Hung-yi DPP chairperson Tsai Ing-wen
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