
Urban Renewal Policy Debate
2010/11/12 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北縣報導



In the Xin Bei mayor's race, DPP candidate Tsai Ing-wen presented her proposal on the issue of urban renewal yesterday, stating that in the best interest of residents involved, full-scale renewal projects should be implemented by the public sector. But KMT's Eric Chu considers her strategy implausible, noting that cooperation with private companies would be a better option.

Urban renewal has been a much-hyped issue that concerns the public.

But due to the enormous profits involved, the task of integrating land developers and residents is daunting.

Therefore, not many cases of urban renewal can be achieved.

DPP Xinbei city candidate Tsai Ing-wen proposed her ideas, which she would approve a government-backed large-scale urban renewal project, including setting up an agency responsible for the project, paying the planning fee for initial stage, offering mid-term housing for residents affected by urban renewal, assisting developers to get loans from the urban renewal fund, providing capacity incentives and more.

In her plan, the priority would be given to old communities of 30 years old.

Eric Chu of the KMT disapproves Tsai's platform, adding that he would combine the effort of private and public sectors and civil cooperation to promote urban renewal project at the same time, which would expedite the process.

He also questioned Tsai's proposal of large-scale projects, asking Tsai to present the successful cases when DPP was ruling the Taipei County.

While the election enters final countdown, Xinbei city candidates are making political promises to get votes.

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關鍵字Urban Renewal policy debate DPP candidate Tsai Ing-wen XIN BEI mayor's race KMT's ERIC Chu full-scale Renewal projects
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