
Wang Returns to Taiwan
2010/11/13 06:45 綜合報導     地區:桃園縣報導



Taiwanese MLB pitcher Wang Chien-ming returned to the homeland with his wife and son on Friday. After spending the entire 2010 season recovering from a shoulder injury, Wang said his rehab process is going well, and he may get back to the Major League as early as next April.

Wang Chien-ming was at the center of attention the moment he stepped off the plane.

Dressed casually in a gray vest and carrying his son, who was wearing a blue jacket, Wang appeared to be in good spirits. His wife, who was wearing sunglasses, followed behind.

Wang sat out the 2009 season after undergoing surgery on his shoulder, and has spent the current Major League Baseball season rehabbing his arm.

After being released by the New York Yankees earlier this year, he signed with the Washington Nationals.

Wang says that he won't know anything about his contract situation until next month.

The pitcher was holding his son with his left arm after disembarking, and his doctors have said that he needs to rest for at least a month.

The family is back in Taiwan for vacation, and will return to Washington in January.

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關鍵字Taiwanese MLB pitcher Wang Chien-ming homeland shoulder injury major League baseball season rehabbing arm
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