
Protest Against Jal Layoff
2010/11/01 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



JAL's Taiwanese workers are shouting for their rights, and calling out slogans to defend Taiwan's dignity. The recent opening for hundreds of new Japanese employees due to the resumed direct flights has sparked protest among Taiwanese workers, who are now accusing the airline company of violating their deserved rights by cutting down positions and salaries in July.

Celebrations were going on inside Sungshan Airport for its direct flight with Haneda Airport, but protests by JAL flight attendants who were laid off were taking place outside.

The flight attendants were crying because JAL laid off 70 Taiwanese flight attendants this past July because the company was losing money.

The protesting flight attendants said they didn't receive any pension, as most of the laid off workers were senior staff members.

Ms. Wu, who has been working at JAL for 22 years, is one of them.

They have been petitioning their case for the past 3 months.

Although the Taipei City Labor Bureau and the Council of Labor Affairs both find fault with JAL, the company still operates as if nothing has happened.

The protestors said the Japanese are taking advantage of Taiwanese citizens.

They rushed into the airport when the first plane from Haneda arrives, causing a scene.

The protestors were forced outside, as they yelled for the government to be strong.

The workers aren't demanding much, except for their jobs to be reinstated.

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關鍵字Protest against JAL Layoff JAL's Taiwanese workers NEW Japanese employees Direct Flights dignity laid OFF
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