
Huge Hamburger for 200 Nt
2010/11/18 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



Are you brave or starving enough to take on this next challenge? First, you have to throw all cardiac cares aside, and make sure you're okay with gaining a few pounds right away. Now, let's take you to Kaohsiung to experience the huge hamburger that is more than 20 centimeters in diameter, enough to bury your face in it, at the price of 200 NT dollars.

The burger buns are even bigger than many peoples face.

After the buns are toasted, mayonnaise is spread on and lettuce, pickles, catsup, tomato and onion slices are added, not to mention the giant beef patty that is cooked with special soy-sauce flavored gravy.

The burger is immediately serves with many loyal patrons of the restaurant.

The burger measures over 20 centimeters in diameter, that is 3 times the average burger size and cost NT$200.

It is big enough to satisfy the appetite of three average female customers.

The flavor of the beef patty comes from the special sauce which attracted many out of town customers to travel to southern Taiwan for the treat.

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關鍵字NT 200 for Hamburger Huge soy-sauce giant beef
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