
For a Cleaner Tainan
2010/11/16 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台南市報導



Tainan District Prosecutors Office, environmental officials and the police have been working hard in the past years to protect the environment in greater Tainan area. Through their teamwork, raids on factories or garbage dumpsites occur every few months, to ensure a more effective result.

Every three months, there is a collaboration between the prosecutors, environmental officials and the civil society in Tainan forming an environmental crime prevention unit.

In the past, environmental authorities may launch a water-quality check at the electro planting factory that was the suspect of releasing toxic wastewater.

And normally, when there was evidence that the illegal conduct is done, the factory may get representatives to deal with this problem.

But now, with this unit, these environmental illegalities will not get away so easily anymore.

And with the help of this unit, persecutors can now take a proactive stance, such as going into Yongyang Industrial Waste Landfill in Tungshan Township, Tainan to investigate the illegal burial of slag in the landfill.

Having the polices and environmental officials help, samples and evidences were collected at the site.

For Persecutor Lin Jungpin, who has dealt with many environmental criminals, having the judicial power to sentence and detain personnel or equipment directly, is a much more effective way to deter crime.

Even though this unit is without public authority or executive power, it is active like the scouts in war that gather information and report to the authorities, creating a seamless network of environmental protection in the area.

Incident such as the electronic wastes being dumped along the Arren River is one of the successes that this unit has achieved in dealing with.

So far, it has been three years since this unit was set up, and over these two years, there hasn't been any more red toxic water in Arren River,

and there has been an improvement in the water-quality of the river due to the decreasing in waste dumping around the area.

This is indeed a success for the people and the authorities in the greater Tainan area, and is also a good example for other cities to follow suit.

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關鍵字Tainan Cleaner A for Tainan District Prosecutors Office Yongyang Industrial waste Landfill IN TungShan Township
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