
Lend a Helping Hand
2010/11/22 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



A survey by the Modern Women's Foundation indicates that more than 50 percent of Taiwan's companies are willing to provide assistance to workers who suffer from domestic violence. The Council of Labor Affairs and experts are also urging more companies to take an active role in helping abused employees to cope with the situation.

According to Modern Women's Foundation statistics, more than 115 cases of severe domestic violence were reported between January 2009 and June 2010.

The cases resulted in 147 deaths and injuries. The foundation's studies show that domestic violence cases are, on average, reported once every three days in Taiwan, and that 25% of victims have been physically assaulted, or harassed with phone calls or text messages, by their other halves in their workplace.

In many cases, the perpetrator also threatens the victim's co-workers.

The majority of companies in Taiwan provide assistance to workers that suffer domestic violence.

Both the Council of Labor Affairs and scholars say that modern enterprises need to take a different approach towards domestic violence, and help victims rather than dealing with the problem by asking them to take a leave of absence.

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關鍵字employees Lend A Helping hand modern Women's Foundation Taiwan's companies The Council of Labor Affairs
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