
Kuo, Another Gold Winner
2010/11/24 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



Kuo Po-cheng has claimed victory in the men's eight-ball pool singles competition, after taking home the gold medal on Monday. And the first thing he did, was hold his baby son before heading out for the next competition in Japan the following day.

The sound of firecrackers greeted Asian Games gold medalist in pool, Kuo Po-cheng.

He returned with a gold medal around his neck as he brimmed with pride.

He gladly accepted all of these cheers as he returned to a pool hall that he opened himself.

Kuo was his usual self, holding his cue stick and focusing on each of the balls and taking aim.

Kuo says his incredible fortune is partly dedicated to a his 2 and a half month old baby boy.

While he has been busy with international competitions, leaving him to return to Taiwan for just one evening, and leaving for Japan on Tuesday morning for the Osaka Open.

He's been quite busy and hasn't seen his child in the past 10 days, as this picture captures his love of his son.

There are many pictures depicting his love as a father from the time that his wife was pregnant to even pictures of Kuo winning a gold medal.

Since he has been away, his child thinks that he may be a stranger, as he eagerly awaits his father to come back from the Osaka Open with even more good news.

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關鍵字Kuo Po-cheng Another gold winner competition Asian Games
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