
Organic Farm Up And Running
2010/11/25 06:45 綜合報導     地區:高雄市報導



Kaohsiung County's Shanlin organic farm, sponsored by the Honghai Group, is now up and running. After obtaining the organic certification, many produces are available for purchase at the farm,

which is mainly created to provide job opportunities for the flood victims and the local residents. With their next mission set on boosting sales, the workers are now brainstorming for marketing strategies.

The chef is demonstrating how to make a healthy salad from cucumber and bitter gourd. These vegetables come from the organic farm run by residents of Da-ai village of Kaohsiung County.

Starting from January this year, the organic farm began training staffs, preparing the land and producing.

In August, the farm could produce a dozen tons of vegetable each month.

But it takes time to get the organic certification for the land, which finally came through in November.

It means, the organic vegetables that the villagers grow could finally hit the market, a news that really excites them.

Although the HonHai group promises to purchase the vegetables they grow, the farmers still hope to produce, market the product, and explore new markets by themselves with an ambition to run independently.

So far, the number of staff on the farm is 119, which is expected to grow to 500, in creating more job opportunities for the locals.

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關鍵字organic farm up and Running Kaohsiung County's Shanlin organic farm Honghai group
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