
Yang's Future Plan
2010/11/27 06:45 綜合報導     地區:台北市報導



To help Taiwanese Taekwondo athlete Yang Shu-chun pursue her future career, Premier Wu Dun-yi has raised a three-million-NT-dollar fund for her, hoping that she can help promote sports for the government. Meanwhile, Taipei Municipal University of Education also offers Yang a teaching job, asking her to educate more future athletes.

The chair of Sport Affairs Council, Chen Shi-kui, personally informed Taekwondo fighter Yang Shu-jun of President Ma's intentions to give her a three million dollar reward.

Because a bitter dispute which robbed Yang of her gold medal and national glory bonus reward, Executive Yuan Premier Wu Den-yih has gone through personal contacts to donate three million dollars to Yang.

Yang, however, couldn't help but express regret over losing the gold medal.

Yang originally did not want to accept the money, but the Sport Affairs Council has invited Yang to be a their spokesperson as a contribution to society, which Yang finally accepted.

In regards to Yang's future career, The MOE has made arrangements for Yang to be a trainer at the Taipei Municipal University of Education where she will be of equal status to an assistant professor.

Yang says that five other schools have expressed interests in having her be on their staff.

She is considering the offers and hopefully will be able to help foster another wave of excellent Taekwondo fighters at her chosen school.

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關鍵字plan future Yang's Taiwanese Taekwondo athlete Yang Shu-chun Premier Wu Dun-yi Taipei Municipal University of education Taekwondo fighter
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